Canadian Domestic & International Rulers
A New Style of War Against the People of Canada:
Disarming Canadians For International FORCED Nazi Style Control of People.
The New World Order comes disguised as world trade agreements that the Canadian Government signs and other methods involving many countries, like a World Terror Agreement. It is possible that a World Terror Agreement is the first step in creating world law for ordinary people. Smaller agreements are being signed by the Government of Canada with several countries for plenty other reasons.. but the end result that is achieved by the Canadian “Anti-Christ Assembly” is the loss of liberty and no ability to choose. Who knows in passing years an international government may tell people where to be and what to do. The Government of Canada is not to be trusted at this time.
Direct Democracy.. Removing The Parasite Rulers of Canadian Land.
With every World Trade Agreement there probably will be huge promises from other Governments and Foreign Billionaires wanting to invest and make employment here in Canada. The Canadian Media will promote The Great World Reset as a very positive event and maybe it will be good for the first few years as the New World Order gets firmly established in Canada.
Adolf Hitler Quote: The doom of a nation can be averted only by a storm of flowing passion, but only those who are passionate themselves can arouse passion in others.
Workers Helping Government Take Freedom For Income.
Medically Debunked.. Gender Affirming Surgery Is Dangerous. Rebel News
Ordinary people will, at some point, no longer accept International laws forced upon the people without the consent of its citizens. The people who helped this happen will be unemployed or rounded up by Government. Government will have no further use of the ones who assisted in destabilizing the population.
Disarming lawful Canadians Does Nothing For Safety.
Instead of the Canadian Government changing to reflect the peoples wishes, Government seeks to impose military rule and a population clamp on freedoms in an effort for the foreign elite to continue in power. There is no easy answers for removing the “DEEP STATE” domestic and international parasites who are in control of our democracy, our government has embraced them.
Adolf Hitler Quote: Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction.
Canada Governed By Pure HITLER Style Evil, No Consent Of The People
Any agreements signed by the Government of Canada are dangerous at this point and need to be avoided. The Government of Canada cannot be trusted.
Appointing Unstable, Extremist Left, Workers, Ambassadors and Judges.
Nothing takes away the fact the Canadian Government is, and continues to destabilize Canada without any regard to the population. Enacting international agreements and laws without the consent of the population. Of course the Government of Canada will be looking to have Canadians freely accept becoming a part of the New World Order Great World Reset , however it materializes. Government and the fake media intends on making it appear sweet for Canadians.
Adolf Hitler Quote: Struggle is the father of all things, virtue lies in blood, leadership is primary and decisive.
Freedoms and Liberty are Not Given They are Gained:
The freedom to own firearms is being taken away for reasons other that the fake media and government wants you to believe. Hitler said we will disarm the people in order to make our streets safer and policing more efficient Hitler also said that to conquer a country you must first disarm its citizens. Our disinformation government and fake media are saying the same things as the Hitler democracy did. There are other ways to have safe streets in Canada without taking away the freedom and liberty for lawful people to own firearms. The government and fake media allegations that certain firearms are not required for hunting is a government hoax and goes toward what government and powerful international elite society have planned for Canada. The taking of your freedoms and liberty by force with the New World Order.
Destabilizing GOVERNMENT Education Tran-Sex Taught to children within Schools.
Deconstructing the Sexual Identity of Children Within Canadian Schools.
Adolf Hitler Quote: A single blow must destroy the enemy... without regard of losses... a gigantic all - destroying blow.
Democracy without the Consent of the People:
Canada’s government Anti-Christ parasites are working without the consent of the Canadian population and must be overthrown in favor of a true democracy. No one in the current government, whether elected or appointed, should have any roll or opinion in reestablishing democracy, these people are not to be trusted with anything including opinions. No one who advised the government must not have a say in a new Canadian democracy. Alleged experts the government used in the past gets flushed with all the others. No committee is struck to examine nor to try find the solutions. The solution is having one person present a vision of democracy and present this vision directly to the people. Canada has exactly the same democracy that Hitler’s German Nazi democracy and this has to change.
Adolf Hitler Quote: What luck for rulers, that men do not think.
The Stripping of Canadian Traditions, Identity and Heritage.
Canadian Government and its innermost connections are hopeful that Canadian citizens will submit to Government. Remember what was said earlier, this war is different without an invading army or bullet ever being fired. Peaceful people will be scared into submission, ordinary people will be labeled rioters, racist, white supremacist, neo-nazi, far right extremist. Scared to leave their homes. Peaceful demonstrations will become a thing of the past. These are all tactics in order to divert attention from a failed Government of Canada and place attention onto the ordinary.
Never Before.. Billionaire Profit and Millions of Immigrants Flooding Canada Causing Inflation.
Government support of Homosexuality, Billionaires and Islam Immigrants will continue to have zero tolerance against Canadian values. Time to take Canada back. Islam is not Canadian. No country nor republic can survive if their heritage, identity and traditions do not survive. Our country is doomed to fail at the hands of the Nazi Government of Canada. Taxes and more taxes, licensing fees, Carbon Taxes, fuel taxes, GST and more taxes target the ordinary Canadian and attack the ordinary income which in effect adds to Billionaires keeping and growing their money while Canadians get poorer and suffer from the greed of the Canadian Democratic Government who supports Billionaire money which supports them. A homeless person has nothing to offer the Prime Minister, while Billionaire offer money and power.
Social Engineering, Human Science and Government Control:
The 2030 Democratic Agenda UnMasked - For Those Preparing For What's Coming NEXT!
Finally The Canadian Government are experts at social engineering the minds of people, this is when repetitive steps are taken by government and fake media to have a preferred response from the population and with time the acceptance of what government does. Canadians realize much of what is being promoted daily goes against what many Canadians believe to be true, Government is looking to change society without the consent of the population.
The Secret Members of a Parasitic International and Domestic Deep State NAZI Style Shadow Government operate freely in Canada and based within the United Nations, NATO, The World Economic Forum. A very well hidden Secret Society of Demagog Style People who are seeking to become rulers of the land over you. A new tactic of war has been adopted by the Demagog, A war with no marching troopers and invading armies crossing borders. A war that continues from World War Two after the defeat of Hitler with the United Nations formed and continuing Hitler's fascination by a concept of conquering Nations from within, using the democracy's own Government against the country's Heritage, traditions and long held identity of Nations. Members of a Parasitic International and Domestic Deep State NAZI Style Shadow Government operate freely, but most plans are laid out in secret, they have persuaded most Democracy to follow the Demagog instructions from the United Nations in an effort for what they call “Bring Justice to Minority”. This group controls much of NATO and The World Economic Forum decision making. The Secret Demagog Society Plan is to Control and Take Freedom from all Western Democratic People using this style of invasion on an unsuspecting population of Canada, without a bullet being ever fired.
The same Demagog Shadow Nazi Government has re branded themselves into something far bigger and more dangerous to the independence and past cultures of the world, “The Secret Society in United Nations”, is now in full control of the Canadian Democracy. No Longer is the Canadian Democracy working for the people of Canada, electing a new Prime Minister fails to remove the Deigning. United Nations and NATO provide only the illusion of world security and the support for minority, never intended for the security and sovereignty of any country and of the people, was always about control of people from a centralized command structure established by the Demagog.
Canadians must remove this threat posed against our democracy, our traditions, our cultural identity and heritage that is being stripped from us. This is a war that Canadians must defeat the United Nations and the control over Canada by the few if Canadian's are to retain any freedom or control of this once sovereign country.
The very same program of Adolf Hitler mind control, propaganda and lies are being developed and used by the ruling class against the minds of an unsuspecting world population, democratic governments easily follow as the ”Democratic Leaders of the Land” want the same control that United Nations offers them. People Blindly follow the propaganda as they are told and are being led into whatever the rulers decide for the future which can include slave labor and death camps. The striping of critical thinking ability of the population by a well Organized Mass Media Cartel. There are no marching troops or shots fired in the current war, it is a program that has conscripted a vast network that includes Media, Government operations, Military, scientific and diplomatic means to achieve dominance of the world. They are on a program to destabilize the world.
The Demagog mind control over the people of Canada so the population continually perceives problems is the key for mind control. The Demagog not only are the creators of the world problems but also offer the world a feeing of security as the solution makers. Every day the ordinary people are provided with solutions from the Demagog.
The Moral Decay of Society, Heritage, Canadian Identity by a Forced Acceptance of Homosexual, Immigration and other Law.
Homosexuality, disarmament, introducing foreign cultures and immigration are lies brought forward to take away Canadian traditions, identity and slowly remove peoples liberty. It’s all a Hoax, government without tolerance for the Canadian people. Islam is not Canadian. It is not racist to want to restore Canada's past identity, culture, traditions and heritage that was past down from many generations. It is about restoring Canada to what it once was.
A New Style of War Against the People of Canada:
A new style of war has emerged.. having the invasion of a country without firing a shot. Ground invasion is no longer necessary. A “DEEP STATE” Domestic and International Rulers have discovered they can destabilize Canada by using its own Government to gain control of the Canadian population. A core international society which includes he United Nations has seized the minds of what I call The “ Canadian Anti-Christ Assembly” which includes the Canadian’s government and all government officials in Canada and throughout the world. It is to destabilize democracy by taking away the country historic values and it’s traditions, basically leaving the country without an identity. They know a country like Canada will suffocate, becoming hollow, without traditions and identity. The foreign international parasitic society and the Canadian Government are waiting for the people of the world and Canada to self destruct pinning one Canadian against another.
Canadians are at war with our own parasitic government without any shots being fired and Government of Canada is winning. An international method of war that the Government of Canada has adopted, deeply within the culture of the Canadian Government which pins past Canadian culture and identity into very different international standards. Our country cannot survive if our past traditions and identity do not survive. The Great World Reset New World Order is about to happen within this generation. People will become slaves to Government and the International Parasitic Elite.. we no longer will be Canadian with our traditions our Canadian identity collapsed by the very few International players who want power over everything including people.
Good luck. |