Expose and Remove Anti-Christ Assembly Disarm Dark Army |
Democracy Code of Canada - To Restore Canada Into the Hands of the Ordinary People: |
Dismantling of a Democratic Canadian Population with Minorities |
The Taking of Canadian Freedom Using The Destabilizing Canadian Minority Before the United Nations was created Canadian law applied equally to all Canadians. Law at this time is government finding solutions for problems they have created using Minorities and many other reasons. The Anti-Christ Assembly create the problem, they sell the problem to Canadians, they create law to solve the problem they created in the first place. Create Problems, Enact Laws, Finding Their Solution for Destabilizing Canada. The Anti-Christ Assembly first introduce a problem to society, claiming a need to create law protecting Minorities. The Canadian population never quite understanding that they have given up freedom to the minorities. Recent laws come disguised as justice and equality and are mostly very specific to a claim of protecting a minority whether homosexual, immigrants or other reasons. There-in is the problem, as more laws are created there is less Canadian Freedom for the majority. Laws enacted, strikingly different than Canadians had for generations. Every part of Canadian life is being controlled. Never before were tactics used to obtain submission of the people. Domestic and International Parasitespromote and sell Government created problems to society with propaganda and repetitive media. Government providing a solution for problems they have created. Never consulting with the people. Whether through immigration, woman's equality, workplace equality, Islam, Hindi, Sikh, homosexuality, these methods are useddestabilizethe majority of the Canadian population. All a smoke and mirrors perception of protecting minority, this ensures laws are created for the tracking of all people. Ensuring compliance by both the majority and minority, everyone becomes tracked. The entire program consists of introducing problems by the Government and providing their solutions to these problems they created. A parasitic very well oiled machine that is expanding throughout the world. Canadian LAW Against the Majority Very intelligent Lawyers and Government Appointed officials write and enact these laws through a chain of command. These people have very little respect for the freedom of Canadians yet have a high degree of intelligence and education. Canadians are following everything told to them by The Anti-Christ Assembly. Government Sponsored Minority has a destabilizing effect on the Majority of Canadians. Never before in the history of Canada have the Parasites introduced a massive growing number of NOT BORN IN CANADA immigrants representing Canada with a very different culture and perspective. NOT BORN IN CANADA Immigrants are changing parliament, Canadian society, heritage, culture of Canada. Plenty newly created acknowledgment including “Black History Month” and “Pride Month”, never in the history of Canada. It pins Black against White and Homosexuals against the rest of society. The propaganda coming from The Anti-Christ Assembly include Police, Ambassadors, Politicians, Judges, Appointed Government officials, being filtered down to employees by senior management. Employees must participate or risk loosing employment, a top down approach forcing people. People assisting Domestic and International Rulers in the demoralization of the people. A demoralized population has no ability to process truth. Never in the History of Canada has Hitler Style propaganda been used to take control of peoples thinking. This is not to enhance society but to destroy it. A Ruling Minority Established in Canada The Government Media narrative are quick to point to anything that negatively effects Islam of Sikh in Canada yet fail to inform the Canadian people of all the bloodshed and terrorism around the world at the hands of Islam. Christians are being murdered daily by Islam yet the Canadian media fails to report these racist Islamic events to the people of Canada choosing to replay events that appear as Islamic Hate in Canada. Canadian people are not leaving Canada and moving into Islamic Countries yet the opposite is true if you take a look around you. Canadians may have immigrant friends or marriages, Canada can move forward keeping existing friendships while at the same time bringing Canadian culture, heritage and identity back to 1945 levels through future immigration. The Rulers of Canada firstly create a problem, they sell the Canadian people on the problem and then provide the solution to the problem they created. All laws created for the protection of Minority must be removed and restored to what it once was.. Laws that had been in place in 1945 brought back. Education restored to what it was.. no more trans sex education in schools with Canadian children learning again. Ordinary Canadians have not caused this, but need to bring it back. |