Video #1 ..
The following video takes a look at many subjects and the upcoming loss of freedom. A must see video is definitely thought provoking and talks about more than one subject. Interesting for many to see.
It is called:
2030 UnMasked - For Those Preparing For What's Coming After Covid-19..

Video #2 ..
The following video is a 1961 speech by John F. Kennedy given to the American Press - President of The United States of America. It provides a revealing look into the dangers of what he describes as a REAL THREAT ON AMERICAN SOCIETY. He CLEARLY describes a secret international society and the dangers it poses on American traditions and identity
. Something happening around the world in all democracy. For many this video would be interesting to watch or maybe thought provoking..
It is called:President John F Kennedy JFK - The 1961 Secret Society Speech To The Press That Killed Him

Video #3 ..
A great movie written in 1949 a few years after the defeat of the German democracy in 1945. It tells the story of a citizen in the miserable totalitarian society, who is trying to rebel against Big Brother. Winston works for the Ministry of Truth Altering, a ministry that alters history in favor of the government's current narrative.
Big Brother is ever seeing through a two-way camera system, which broadcasts propaganda continually about the regime successes and its fight against enemies and has eyes on everything. Individual freedoms are seen as the cause of all society's problems, hence Big Brother's control over what everyone says and does, which includes a move to end not only a persons free thought but also to remove the need for love and sex.
Winston Smith is a seemingly faithful low level bureaucrat for the Ruling Party in power, his job to rewrite history to the Ruling Party's guidelines, in the process he destroying any hard evidence of the reality of actual history. Winston would be considered a criminal as he has been keeping a diary of his individual thoughts, he writing out of sight of the government cameras. ThoughtCrimes - are dealt with by the Thought Police.
The Ruling Party releases the tenth edition of the “Newspeak Dictionary” with the intention of reducing the words and limit the ability to express any feeling against the Ruling Party. Words modified and changed.
The Ministry of Truth broadcasts ceaselessly to the population via its inescapable network of telescreens. These devices, which pervade all aspects of peoples' lives, monitor people’s every word and actions. They form part of an elaborate surveillance system used by the “Thought Police”, to serve their singular goal: the elimination of “thought crime”. Winston uncovers incontrovertible proof that the Ruling Party is lying to the people, he embarks on a journey of self-questioning. In doing so, he becomes a thought-criminal.
Winston discovers another subversive working inside the bureaucracy, a young woman named Julia, with shared pro-freedom views. As Winston and Julia fall in love, and they embark on an illicit and dangerous relationship. This prompts them to explore deeper the Ruling Party's blur between propaganda and reality. Both are captured by the Thought Police and Winston is interrogated, tortured and skillfully forced to accept the thinking of the Ruling Party by O'Brien who explains the need to destabilize people thoughts for the Ruling Party to keep the power.
People are NOT safe at this time from the worlds democratic tyrants, the proof is held in the German Democracy of 1934 to 1945. It is happening again.
It is called:
George Orwell 1984 [Full Movie]
Video #4 ..
The following video takes a look at ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight - FOX NEWS’ host and what he says regarding Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's response to trucker protests is a 'defining moment' for history. Tucker Carlson called Trudeau a “Stalinist dictator” who “suspended democracy and declared Canada a dictatorship. This guy nailed it!
Everyone in Canada needs to be extremely concerned about the Adolf Hitler NAZI Canadian Democracy. The solution is to remove the elected party system and establish independent elected Members of Parliament to run Canada. No more Liberal Party of Canada, Conservative Party of Canada or NDP. Canadians no longer need a government political party system that does not follow the will of the people. The democratic system is outdated and needs a new start. Remove the parasites from Canada once and for all.
This video is interesting for many to see.
It is called:
Tucker Carlson Fox News: Canada is a Dictatorship.

Video #5 ..
The following video is produced by Rebel News Media, it looks at the Freedom Convoy 2022 and the Government of Canada assault on Freedom and Canadian Democracy. Many people of Canada went to jail and had bank accounts frozen for wanting freedom in Canada. 'War Measures Act' was invoked by the Prime Minister of Canada against lawful people. It definitely is thought provoking and is nothing the main stream media want you to see. For many this video would be interesting to watch.
It is called:
Rebel News - Freedom Convoy 2022

Video #6 ..
The following video takes a look at former KGB agent named Yuri Alexandrovich Bezmenov, A chillingly prediction of modern Canada. A very disturbing interview given by a KGB defector in 1984 describes what is happening in Canada today and outlines four stages of mass brainwashing used by the KGB that is being used in Canada by government and all its Government appointed officials. For many it would be interesting to watch or maybe thought provoking..
It is called:
Transition Into a Totalitarian Canadian Government

Video #7 ..
The following video speaks for itself. The people of Canada are allowing Trans-education to happen within our schools. Absolutely nothing to do with tolerance or respect regarding homosexuals... with education focused upon a total child's brainwash. Interesting for many to see. For many it would be interesting to watch or maybe thought provoking..
It is called:
"Deconstructing the Sexual Identity of Children Within Canadian Schools - Boys Encouraged to Become Feminine and Girls Taught Masculine."

Video #8 ..
The following video takes a look at The Government of Canada and all the Crumbling Democracy World Wide. If People are to regain freedom.. the World Political Parasites must lose total control of the people. For many it would be interesting to watch or maybe thought provoking..
It is called:WORLD LEADERS.. A Prime Minister's Disgrace In The Name Of Freedom

Video #9 ..
The following video is a Rebel News Production Dangerous WEF Reports Canadian World Economic Forum Global Power Grab Canada Secret Meetings. Rebel News is sending a team of SEVEN reporters, videographers and producers led by the fearless Rebel Commander Ezra Levant to Davos, Switzerland from January 16 to 20 to cover the World Economic Forum's 2023 Annual Meeting. This mission is going to be some of the most important journalism we’ve ever done at Rebel News. Interesting for many to see.
It is called:
Dangerous Canadian Fake Democracy.. World Economic Forum Global Power Grab. Canada Secret Meetings. Rebel News.
Video #10 ..
The following video is a Rebel News Production... Press Freedoms Worsened in China During The World Pandemic Just Like In the Democracy of Canada by Rebel News
China and the Democracy of Canada took similar pandemic response paths. The Democracy of Canada decimated basic human rights and freedoms, which makes sense as it has been discovered that the Chinese Communist Party has been attempting to undermine Canada’s governmental integrity for years.
The Globe and Mail recently detailed how press freedom worsened in China during the pandemic and the parallels between Canada’s response are chilling.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has been one of the worst periods for press freedom in China in decades, with tough restrictions on movement and a super powered surveillance state making on-the-ground reporting more difficult than ever,” the opening paragraph reads.
Yet Canadians also faced an unfounded and unprecedented quashing of their freedom of movement.
This was exemplified through gathering restrictions, the use of states of emergency to prevent the previously constitutionally-protected Canadian right to protest, and medical apartheid being normalized in the media with different levels of COVID-related restrictions for COVID-19 vaccinated versus unvaccinated people.
There were many instances in which police interfered with Rebel News’ (RN) documenting of the above.
It is called:
"Canadian Press Freedoms Worsened In China During The Pandemic Just Like the Democracy of Canada.. Rebel News"

Video #11 ..
The following video is a Rebel News Production - Communications Between Finance Ministry and World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab WEF Exploded After Canadian Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Freeland Became Minister.. By Rebel News
Rebel News recent Access to Information filings revealed just how chummy the Liberals' finance ministry is with Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum (WEF).
The Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum WEF, chaired by its founder Klaus Schwab, aims to influence governments worldwide to implement its vision and shape policies to comply with the World Economic Forum WEF agenda, which includes Klaus Schwab digital IDs, carbon budgets, no animal agriculture and a Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum WEF reset of the world economy.
Of course, this shouldn't come as a surprise since our Canada's Finance Minister and Canadian Deputy Prime Minister, Chrystia Freeland, is a board member and trustee of the World Economic Forum WEF. Conflict of interest much?
It is called:
"Communications with Canadian Finance Ministry, Deputy Prime Minister of Canada and Klaus Schwab World Economic Forum WEF Increased.. by Rebel News"

Video #12 ..
The following video is a Bright Light News - 15-Minute City Living Explained By Randy Hillier, Former MPP. Produced By Gord Parks
15-minute cities are being promoted lockstep around the world, as convenient, community-oriented living. In this spoof “simulation” of a 15-minute city, Canadian Randy Hillier MPP explains how they’ll look in Canada.
My view is.. It seems that it will take more than warning the people of Canada regarding the Dangers posed by the Democracy of Canada against your freedom. People seem to disregard what is currently happening around them and the world in favor of a Government and fake media narrative. Media simply are not explaining the dangers to the Canadian population. People must stop relying SOLY on the ongoing narrative from main stream media and start critical thinking once again. Your thoughts are being told repetitively by all involved with the Canadian Democracy, Government of Canada, Media and all those appointed by the Government of Canada. It is sad that most of Canada's demoralized society has stopped thinking for themselves.. the truth no longer means anything to the ordinary Canadian. Sadly it is only after a Canadian Military BOOT kicks Canadian's in the ass... only then will Canadians understand what living without freedom means. This is the tragic of the situation.
With the upcoming digital world surveillance of the people including digital currency and digital health care, a population CULL will be initiated at some point, after the international systems are established and people are weakened further. Top world leaders will permanently remove those livestock from society that are no longer needed or are using resources of the wealthy.. a great danger that the retired and unemployed will be eliminated from society as they will be viewed as no longer needed.
World Economic Forum, which the Government of Canada has embraced said that they have began seeing people as animals. People are being viewed as livestock by the Government of Canada.
It is called:
"Canadian Community Oriented Living Structure For Canadian People, explained by Randy Hillier Former MPP. Bright Light News"

Video #13 ..
The following video is a Rebel News Production "Cabaret Baby Raves” but one could argue they seem more like a depiction of a day in the life of Sodom and Gomorrah. In between bubbles and glow sticks, the recently privatized images and footage of Cabababarave’s Instagram account show what appears to be both women and men, some dressed in drag, performing strut club worthy dances and teases for the innocent tots. The event takes the child grooming of child protection advocates who oppose Drag Queen Story Times for kids to a whole other disturbing level.
A key goal for child groomers is to lower the inhibitions of a child and often their family with intent to eventually sexually abuse them. The baby raves also serve Cabaret style drinks to the parents and alcohol is proven to lower one’s inhibitions. In addition, the baby raves not only normalize the world of drag for children — a transvestism lifestyle commonly seen in adult entertainment — but it’s also warming them up to the world of raves.
The drug-infested rave party scene that has created the perfect atmosphere for many young people including teenagers to die from overdoses is not something most parents would introduce to toddlers. Interesting for many to see.
It is called:
"DRAG QUEEN EVENTS - Cabaret Baby Raves”Exposing Children and Toddlers To The "Naked UNDERBELLY" of Society. Rebel News (who knows what Drag Queens, and Trans do in private after they are drunk, unclothed and aroused, maybe they suck children off)
Video #14 ..
The following video is a Rebel News Production From Canada's Ottawa to Niagara the Government of Canada and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau is Shipping Roxham Road Quebec Canadian Illegal Migrants Across Ontario Canada By Rebel News
The Government of Canada soft border policies have been a gift for human traffickers in Plattsburgh, New York. I don't know any other way to describe them.
Hour by hour, day by day, taxis and private transport vehicles pull up to the U.S. side of the Roxham Rd. Quebec, Canada border crossing to drop off migrants who then walk illegally into Canada. And even though the Canadian RCMP informs border crosser's that they're breaking the law, it doesn't seem to matter to anyone involved.
Once they're here, the migrants are put up in taxpayer-funded Canadian hotels and homeless shelters all claiming a variety of reasons to be in Canada.
It is called:
"Democracy of Canada and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau is Shipping Roxham Road Quebec Illegal Migrants Across Ontario. Rebel News"

Video #15 ..
The following video is a Rebel News Production which takes a look at new peer-reviewed research that confirms what most rational people already know: gender-affirming" surgery and hormone treatments are NOT the answer for youth suffering from gender dysphoria. This study may not surprise you, but many of our health-care "experts" have lost sight of the fact that gender transition procedures are dangerous, risky, and irreversible. The study found massive flaws in the "science" routinely used to justify these dangerous procedures. Interesting for many to see. Please un-mute the sound to hear the audio and expand the video to full screen if you like. Rebel News Produced this video. For many it would be interesting to watch or maybe thought provoking.. Please un-mute the sound to hear the audio and expand the video to full screen if you like.
It is called:
Medically Debunked.. Gender Affirming Surgery Is Dangerous. Rebel News.

Video #16 ..
The following video is produced by Bright Light News. This video takes a look at Prime Minister Trudeau and the Government of Canada's unwavering support for Chinese Protesters who are protesting for freedom. While at home the Government of Canada invoked "The Canadian War Measures Act" against the peaceful Canadian people who were protesting for freedom in Canada. A major Canadian Government military operation that violently put down the peaceful, ordinary people of Canada. If people in Canada are to regain freedom.. the Canadian and World Political Parasites must lose total control of the people they govern. No more party system of government. The Video speaks for itself as the Canadian Democracy has Collapsed Totally. For many it would be interesting to watch or maybe thought provoking.. Please un-mute the sound to hear the audio and expand the video to full screen if you like.
It is called:
Government of Canada.. The Violent Removal of Canadian Freedoms - Bright Light News

Video #17 ..
The following video takes a look at Justin Trudeau being chased out of a neighborhood as he was giving a speech.. the outrage felt by most Canadians. The Canadian Population is at the breaking point. For many it would be interesting to watch or maybe thought provoking.. Please un-mute the sound to hear the audio and expand the video to full screen if you like.
It is called:
Prime Minister Trudeau Chased By Mob - A Canadian Population Outraged - Bright Light News

Video #18 ..
The following video takes a look at Justin Trudeau. In this video, taken December, 2021, he basically said he will continue to attack Canadian fundamental rights and it does not the matter if the majority of Canadians are effected.. A great method of destabilizing the people of Canada by having government without the consent of the ordinary people. For many it would be interesting to watch or maybe thought provoking.. Please un-mute the sound to hear the audio and expand the video to full screen if you like.
It is called:
Trudeau - The Dismantling of the Canadian Population and Freedom

Video #19 ..
The following video takes a look at Human Sciences, Government, Fear and the Media. It details how People behave in a certain way depending on what they perceive. For many it would be interesting to watch or maybe thought provoking.. Please un-mute the sound to hear the audio and expand the video to full screen if you like.
It is called:

Video #20 ..
President Donald Trump speaks about the Canadian Government Tyranny and the Fascist Government of Canada. A Canadian Government that claims to have the mandate of the people. This Representative Hitler style system of Government will never change on its own.. until the people rise up and change it into a Direct Democracy. For many it would be interesting to watch or maybe thought provoking.. Please un-mute the sound to hear the audio and expand the video to full screen if you like.
It is called:
Former USA President Donald Trump on Canadian Government Tyranny

Video #21 ..
An interview with Former Premier of British Columbia Bill Vander Zalm discussing COVID-19 and the "Great World Reset". For many it would be interesting to watch or maybe thought provoking.. Please un-mute the sound to hear the audio and expand the video to full screen if you like.
It is called:
