Canadian Democracy Code of Canada
Heavily Armed RCMP and Military With Automatic Weapons Invoking Martial Law on Behalf of The Democracy of Canada Against UNARMED Peaceful Women, Men and Children Protesting For Freedom. Freedom Convoy 2022.
Expose and Remove
Anti-Christ Assembly
Disarm Dark Army
Democracy Code of Canada - To Restore Canada Into the Hands of the Ordinary People:

Democracy Code - House of Commons

Direct Democracy or Slavery… Choices - Choices? People not born in Canada, appear to easily accept the totalitarian socialist style of Canadian government. All political parties give plenty of great promises and reasons why they are best to lead Canada, yet there is plenty more reasoning why
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre Dismantling Canadian Traditions and Culture
Poilievre Treason Against Canada
NOT to elect political parasites. All current leaders are fully connected to the International “Anti-Christ Assembly”. The Canadian political Leaders of The Land are whipping all elected members of their political party no matter what differing opinion. The truth is that International and some Domestic Parasites are controling our Canadian Rulers of The Land and by extension the people of Canada. International involvement and influence must be removed immediately. Canadians must withdraw from the United Nations, a fat cat operation and a front for a conceling the International Deep State Parisitic Shadow Government. A Destabizing Minority should never control the majority of people in law making or otherwise.
Independent people running for a seat in the House of Commons would be a voice for all the people of Canada and not just the few that desire full power over you. A Direct Democracy is required in Canada. Prime Ministers view themselves as rulers of the land and the rest of the population as sheep. The House of Commons was named The House of Commons because Parliament was always intended to be a house for Canadian commoners who would decide what is best for the population of Canada, NOT POLITICAL PARASITES feeding off the good will of Canadians. A DIRECT DEMOCRACY would give CONTROL OF CANADA BACK INTO THE HANDS OF ORDINARY CANADIANS WHERE CONTROL OF CANADA BELONGS. Islam is not Canadian.. The Islamic population restored to 1945 levels.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Dismantling Canadian Traditions and Culture
Trudeau Treason Against Canada
The goal would be to restore Canada to what it once was in 1945, including everything. Statistic Canada, Government files would be used to snap Canadian culture, taxation, identity, and heritage back to what it was. At that point the people of Canada can decide MOVING FORWARD with our newly estatbished Direct Democracy. It is absolutely not racist or homophobic to restore Canadian Culture, heritage and identity to a time before parasitic rulers of the land. Rulers without the consent of the people. It is not endangering the lives of Canadians to have law abiding, ordinary Canadians own firearms LAWFULLY. A government hoax, Canadians are living in a time of Smoke and Mirrors. A direct democracy would provide the confidentiality of Canadians by removing government databases of personal information that The Rulers of The Land have been compiling that is being shared and stored without the consent of the person. There is a security need to continue having a batabase for all the people not born in Canada.
John F Kennedy Peaceful Revolution
Homosexuality and Education returned to 1945 values. A simple childhood restored for all to enjoy. Canada is falling apart because of the Leaders of The Land who have enacted out of control immigration, homosexuality, the government tracking databases of you and your family, a dictatorship of law, censorship, repetitive fake media, and ruthless law enforcement. Canadians cannot stand back and hope the next government gets better, because this will not happen. Canadians no longer can expect a different result using the same system of government that permits Rulers of The land to Control everything Government Only Gets Better With a Direct Democracy... Government Services Don't Change, They Only Get Better. With a Direct Democracy the simple fact remains that all of the Government funded services would remain the same. Government Services to Canadians would NOT stop. Canadians would still have functioning hospitals, military,
Hitler Nazi Tell a Big Lie
ambulance service, parliament, RCMP and basically all services and everything Canadians have now but under the control of the ordinary Canadians rather than the Canadian Parasites who are abusing power by taking instructions internationally and not from the people of Canada.
Let’s remove the parasites from parliament including the Liberal Party of Canada, the Conservative Party of Canada and the NDP New Democratic Party and remove the political party system of government. Let’s run independent candidates in each riding that are not associated with any political party. Past and Current Government Officials Hunted for TREASON against the people of Canada. A direct democracy requires a complete purge of laws back to 1945 and restoring a population identity to 1945, a purge of senators, a purge of ambassadors, a purge of judges and a purge senior government officials, with all replaced by the people who are not connected with the political parasites. A PEOPLES DIRECT DEMOCRACY FOR THE PEOPLE. Remove Laws that offer benefit to minority at the expense of the majority.
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Content is Written and Assembled by: Mr. Paul Postnikoff
Democracy Code of Canada 2012 - 2025