Canadian Democracy Code of Canada
Heavily Armed RCMP and Military With Automatic Weapons Invoking Martial Law on Behalf of The Democracy of Canada Against UNARMED Peaceful Women, Men and Children Protesting For Freedom. Freedom Convoy 2022.
Expose and Remove
Anti-Christ Assembly
Disarm Dark Army
Democracy Code of Canada - To Restore Canada Into the Hands of the Ordinary People:

Anti-Christ Narrative of Inclusion and Diversity Exposed

Transitioning Into a Totalitarian Anti-Christ Canadian Government
Transition Into Totalitarian Canadian Government
Deconstructing The Myth of a Canadian Inclusive and Diverse Society. The domestic and international Anti-Christ Assembly identified strategic words that are pivotal to the success of mind control. These words have strong influence over Canadians thinking. Words such as “diversity and inclusiveness” are drilled into the soft heads of Canadians by the very evil Ant-Christ Assembly with the intent of replacing and removing the historic identity and culture of Canadians from the past. Words such as

Canadian Identity


Canadian Heritage


Canadian Traditions

and Culture are not used. Homosexual Mental Illness becomes “diversity and inclusiveness”. It is time for Canadians to replace the narrative with words of Identity, Heritage and Traditions. No country can survive after it gets traditions, heritage and identity removed.
Canadians are being lead into darkness and tricked by the Government of Canada Diversity narrative.. It is the taking of a Country Historic Identity and Culture. The Inclusive narrative is to destabilize Canadian thinking. Canadians are heading into a TOTALITARIAN Canadian Government where freedom will be no longer. Government Mind Control BUZZ WORDS of inclusion and diversity replacing the words Canadian Identity and Canadian Culture dating Back to 1945. Fake Media only reports on

Canadian inclusiveness and diversity

and not what this country was like before the Anti-Christ Assembly bull-shit.
Today's Government and United Nations mind control narrative of “Inclusive” and “Diversification” does NOT support Canadian Identity, Traditions and Long Held Heritage. Canada’s historical heritage and traditions will collapse into a totalitarian government if we do not reverse the damage done by the very few parasites who want control over everything including you and your family. The same zero tolerance is required by the Canadian born population to reverse this Government assault on our democracy. From the beginning, the United Nations failed to promote strong independent countries and people based world democracy, choosing to be rulers over you rather than administrators. They have chosen the path to destroy countries. Changing Only a Few Words Changes Canadian Thinking. The United Nations has successfully achieved replacing the word “INDEPENDENT Country” with “DIVERSE and INCLUSIVE COUNTRY”. Anti-Christ Assembly is on a mission to destabilize and destroy Canada's identity, heritage, culture and the independence of world countries. The United Nations is banking on people freely accepting a DIVERSITY, INCLUSION narrative as freedom is lost to the Anti-Christ Assembly. Alternatively the Anti-Christ Assembly is SEEKING civil unrest in order to take freedom by Marital Law. Whatever method it is about control of your freedom.

Islamic Immigration into Canada

is not for diversity or inclusion.. nothing can be further from the truth. It is all about the control of the world population through propaganda and destabilizing people and not protecting the independence and sovereignty of countries.
The United Nations and the Anti-Christ Assembly have the power to implement whatever narrative they want. The combined effort of the United Nations, Canadian politicians, ambassadors, appointed judges, senior government officials all promote the the false notion of diversity and inclusion. Senior government officials and Government Ministers ensure upper management adherence to this narrative by forcing implementation using the risk of loosing employment. In turn, the lower managers running our government facilities enforce these policies onto employees. Employees that do not agree still follow this narrative with the risk of becoming unemployed or singled out as racist, homophonic, Islamophobia or white supremacist. People generally avoid the spotlight of government name calling by the courts and government officials. It is not racist to restore Canada to a time before the United Nations and Anti-Christ Assembly. Islam, Sikh and Hindu are not Canadian and do not support Canadian Historic Identity and Traditions. Heading into a Totalitarian Government Structure. All Canadians have noticed that Canadian advertising has been replaced with the images of Islam, Sikh and Hindu. Everywhere in Canada you'll see imagery of other opposing cultures of Islam, Hindu and Sikh, you will encounter Homosexual imagery everywhere. A group think mentality has occurred within people. People follow what they think has been accepted by the majority due to the need to conform in society, truth means nothing anymore to Canadians, having a blind eye to the truth. Government encourages people are drawn into group think mentality instead of the uncomfortable truth regarding the destruction of Canadian Democracy into a dictatorship of power. No-one wants to be singled out as having an opposing view. This is a part of the program to destabilize the population by taking away the historical identity of Canada. The Anti-Christ Assembly has empowered opposing cultures and homosexuality in Canada through Immigration, homosexuals and opposing cultures that have little respect to Canadian identity, heritage and traditions.. Another well hidden “Antifa Style Group” has emerged in Canada the works hand in hand with the Canadian Government, Unions and International Anti-Christ Assembly, combined they have changed Canadian society without the consent of the population. It is all about control over you and your family. Diversity and homosexual inclusion are mere words. A person is most likely to accept untrue narratives if they are repetitive and believe that others accept diversity and inclusion. A false sense of belonging within a very bad space. It is time to expose and remove the Anti-Christ Assembly and start using words such as independence, cultural identity, sovereign and historical identity. Reversing United Nations policies toward Canada let’s deport the last 10 years of immigrants and refugees that are in Canada without the consent of the population. Let's deport the government seeding of homosexuals through immigration. Let’s provide a 12 month window for the United Nations to place these people into other countries. This must be done before late. The same zero tolerance is required. All Canadian Institutions at Risk The Anti-Christ Assembly, lawyers and politicians will allege that this cannot be done based upon current Canadian laws or international agreements. Yes it can be done by removing Canada from agreements that prevent restoring Canada to a time before. Canadians must modify law in order to permit deportation. The building blocks that brought the narrative of diversity and inclusion will destroy Canada for good. Let's deport immigrants. If There Is a Will There Is a Way The next target for the government parasites is to remove Christmas and Easter in favor of diverse religion narrative. They will claim Christmas is Racist and goes against the narrative of inclusion and diversity of Islamic Immigration. Islam will join this fight once the Anti-Christ Assembly begins to promote. These parasites can energize whatever narrative and force people through a chain of command to willingly accept the destruction of Canada's identity. They may use the words such as racist or equally of religion to force Canadian Christmas believers underground to celebrate. This is the Hitler style extermination of Christians from Canada. The Dark Army will be formed. A Mental Illness is Dubbed as Homosexual Inclusive. The United Nations and Government appointed Anti-Christ Assembly have and continue to promote a homosexual mental illness as inclusive. This has resulted in marriage between two men or women and adoption of not consenting children into unnatural marriages and more. The human right has always been a natural right until recently. Having a mother and father is a child’s birth right and not a right of people who cannot produce children. A form of homosexual entitlement that is promoted by the Anti-Christ Assembly as inclusive. This is to remove normal thinking and replace it with a group think mentality forced down by the Assembly. This is not intended to uplift the morally weak within Canadian society, rather it is intended to dismantle the morally strong. Canadian judges ensure that people are removed from having a voice contrary to the narrative of diversity and inclusion. Judges enact judgement preventing interaction between Canadians that do not conform with the Anti-Christ Assembly narrow narrative. Give The Anti-Christ Assembly an Inch and They Will Take Your Freedom. The narrow narrative of Diversity and Inclusion is only a small skirmish compared to what is about to happen in Canada in coming years. The Canadian constitution needs to be closed.. currently Canada provides the constitutional ability for Anti-Christ Judges to make decisions in areas within the constitution that are not mentioned or enacted into law. A Prime Minister need only appoint a judge that will do as told without needing constitutional amendments. is a perfect example of FRAUD in Canadian courts. Judges law permitting homosexual marriage. Although not accepted by the majority, now has evolved into something quite substantial with a claim of inclusion and diversity. Canadian government claims of inclusion permits adult men, claiming to be transsexual, getting fully naked in 11 year old girls change rooms in full sight of school age children. This is relating to the government’s claim of homosexual inclusion. Adult men competing in girls sports is relating to the government’s claim of inclusion. The Process of Population Submission. The Anti-Christ Assembly is seeding the military and police with completing cultures from Islam, Sikh and Hindu. What once was a Canadian police force has become an international police force with different views of law. Store and Mall Security have become Islamic, Sikh or Hindu. This is the formation of the “Canadian Dark Army” that will forcefully remove Canadian historical heritage. The Dark Army will help the Canadian government to remove peoples voice. Canadian born Dark Army will accept removal of Christian based holidays and heritage based upon military group think mentality and the fear of losing employment.. Islam, Hindu and Sikh will have zero tolerance to Canadian Christian heritage and will work hand in hand with the Canadian born police to exterminate Christians from Canada. Equality of religion narrative will emerge world wide. Canada is to become Islamic republic at some point, taking instructions from the United Nations. Christians will be jailed, beheaded, tortured and stoned and put to death by the Dark Army and Islamic immigrants brought into Canada by the Anti-Christ Assembly. Getting a Handle on Canadian Identity Steps must be taken in order to deport all immigrants dating to 2015.
1. Do not trust anyone within government, appointed official, judge, ambassador, police.
2. Create law permitting proposition voting that is binding upon government.
3. Immediately ask one question on proposition vote, “Did you provide your consent to the Canadian Parliament regarding immigration into Canada dating back to 2015 until present day?”
4. Add question to next election ballet for Canadian born People to vote.
5. A positive result would begin the deportation of immigrants with the United Nations help in re-settlement.
6. Create law that would provide an application for temporary work visa for those immigrants who freely give up citizenship and who are employed.
7. Add law that permits exemptions of any immigrant married to a Canadian born citizen.
8. Remove immigrant Children born in Canada after 2015 as citizens of Canada.
9. Provide conforming immigrants ability to apply for exemption.
10. Deport all homosexual immigrants dating back to 2015, Canada is not a dumping ground for homosexuals.
11. Provide United Nations notice of immigrants that claim persecution or danger relating being deported and let United Nations find a safe country for these immigrants
12. Deport all refugees and asylum seekers dating back to 2015.
13. Offer the ability to apply for exemption from deportation. Any claim of hardship will be handed to the United Nations.
14. Provide a 12 month window for the United Nations to find new homes for immigrants then deport to originating countries.
15. Enact law to have members of parliament, that supported immigration dating back to 2015, personally responsible
16. Remove the Government narrative of inclusion and diversity replace this with words of Canadian Identity, Heritage and Traditions.
17. Remove Islamic, Sikh and Hindu Symbolism from Canadian Parliament, Courts and Federally run institutions.
18. Remove Canada from NATO and United Nations
18. Create a Direct Democracy for Canada. Expect excuses from the Anti-Christ Assembly.
If There Is a Will There Is a Way.. Outside the Narratives of the Anti-Christ Assembly. Immigrants and homosexuals have taken the zero tolerance approach to Canada’s historic culture and traditions. It is time for the same zero tolerance toward the narrative of Inclusion and Diversity that has been created by the Anti-Christ Assembly, homosexuals and immigrants. Canadian people must create an upper oversight chamber of independent elected officials, this would be a method to control a run away government. This UPPER oversight Chamber would have all government activity, laws, agreements and budgets first approved by an upper chamber of elected individuals before anything becomes reality. A direct democracy would have the House of Commons reduced to 50%. There would still be a elected party system having a Prime Minister and Government Ministers within a reduced parliament, the difference for Canadians will be everything government does must be first approved by independent elected Canadians. People get the voice not elected parasites. Purge all federal appointed officials. Direct democracy is explained within this website. Government FAT CATS would be replaced with quality, independent Canadians. A Angel of Light False Narrative by United Nations The Untied Nations false narrative includes a sense of compassion and justice to the world. Through their fake undertakings, they are liars with only ambition of control. They paint themselves as companionate disguising the true evil of controlling Sovereign countries and people. They promote and have people believe the narrative of inclusiveness and diversity while destroying all democracy in it's path. They fail to promote independent, sovereign countries, rather have focus to destroy people. The Anti-Christ Assembly must be removed from Canada by removing the United Nations. Purge all the people who do not accept Canadian heritage, culture and traditions. A Forced German NAZI Style Approach of

Diversity and Inclusion

Will Remove

Canadian Cultural Heritage


Canadian Identity

It is through no fault of the immigrants they are in Canada without first having the consent of the population. The

Anti-Christ Assembly

brought you here and they are responsible for you getting back. It is not racist to restore the identity and heritage of an independent sovereign Canada to a time before the parasites took hold. Laws created to permit immigrants to take action against the people who are responsible. There was no majority consent of the population.
Together Canadians can build a strong sovereign country, independent from outside influence.
Trudeau - The Dismantling of the Canadian Population and Freedom
Trudeau - The Dismantling of a Canadian Population
1. Removal of all law that proposes to protect minority. 2. Removal and replacement of all Immigration Law. 3. Restore Canadian Identity to 1945 level. 4. Removal of Government surveillance and databases that track Canadians. 5. Make constitutional change ensuring Canadian Culture and traditions remain at 1945 levels. 6. Restore Canadian historic cultural identity to 1945 levels. 7. Remove the Canadian Senate. 8. Independent Commoners Representing the people with an Independent Direct Democracy. 9. Remove association with United Nations and NATO. 10. Remove all Homosexual funding and Government promotion. 11. Replace all appointed ambassadors, Judges and Government officials world wide. 12. Have Judges elected by the people 13. Make constitution change 14. Remove Homosexual adoption and marriage. 15. Tax Reform, Highest Marginal taxes to 1979 levels, investment export tax. 16. Constitutional law to prevent parasitic Canadian Government.
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Democracy Code of Canada 2012 - 2025